By getting the amount of values with reader.Length, we can support multiple ways to interpret an argument. An example would be how a UnityEngine.Color can be interpreted both from a hex value and an RGB value.
public static Color ColorConverter(ArgumentReader reader)
float r, g, b, a;
switch (reader.Length)
// In case the amount of components was 1
case 1:
if (reader.IsNumeric())
// If the component is a number, return an RGB color with this value
float value = reader.Read<float>() / 255;
return new(value, value, value);
// If the component can be read as a string, try to return a color based on a hex value
string hex = reader.Read<string>();
if (ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(hex, out Color hexColor))
return hexColor;
throw new Exception($"Invalid hex value: '{hex}'.");
// In case the amount of components was 3
case 3:
// Return an RGB value using the 3 numbers
r = reader.Read<float>();
g = reader.Read<float>();
b = reader.Read<float>();
return new(r, g, b);
// In case the amount of components was 4
case 4:
// Return an RGBA value using the 4 numbers
r = reader.Read<float>();
g = reader.Read<float>();
b = reader.Read<float>();
a = reader.Read<float>();
return new(r, g, b, a);
// If more or less components was provided, we notify of the error
throw new Exception($"Could not retrieve color from input: {reader.Source}.");
This converter is built-in, and is purely used as an example. You wouldn't need to create this in order to support parameters of type UnityEngine.Color.